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Mental Health Specialist
Job Posted
Chapel Hill, NC
United States
Clinical (RN,LPN/LVN,CNA,BHT Etc)
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Job Description
Job Description
Job Title:
Mental Health Specialist
Salary in accordance with certification and placement on the state's adopted salary schedule for certified staff.
Full Benefits
North Carolina certification or eligibility for certification in School Social Work, School Psychology, or Counseling.
Master's degree (MA, MSW); clinical license. e.g. LPC, LCSW or PsyD in clinical work preferred; minimum of 3 years of experience in related areas of public health or mental health.
Reports To:
School Principal and School Leadership Department
Job Goal:
The goal of this position is to advance school based mental health awareness, quality prevention, intervention, evaluation and support. Build connections by collaborating with and providing technical assistance and training activities to school teams, families, teachers and staff.
Performance Responsibilities:
Coordinate with school teams to promote access to mental health care. Create and maintain such coordination through the standardization of a comprehensive mental health delivery of services by:
Enhancing the school climate and broadly by promoting mental health wellness, early identification of needs.
Creating space for family involvement and engagement
Assisting in the identification and delivery of a range of evidence based prevention to intense interventions
Developing program evaluation and data collection for efficacy and effectiveness of services
Communicate extensively and provide consultation, mental health education and prevention information to staff, students, families and school community.
Participate in school team meetings to develop relationships and awareness around trauma, emotional, social and behavioral needs.
Conduct ongoing school need and readiness assessments,
Assist and/or Conduct Crisis Intervention assessments
Assist in identifying programming and services related to the mental health and well-being of all students.
Knowledgeable of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Individual, Group, Family modalities and Mindfulness.
Service Facilitation - Provide mental health related support services to school teams and leadership team to include:
Case consultation and feedback to school problem solving teams concerning needs of families and children.
Collaborate and assist with and provide oversight of public and private agencies to offer access to mental health services and programs on the school campus for students and their families
Assist in the coordination of a school-wide system of intervention, including implementation of a comprehensive mental health plan.
Provide consultation and participate on MTSS team
Provide coordination and oversight for mental health services at assigned school.
Assist in the development of Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
Serve on the District-Level Behavioral Health Resource Team, School-Level Threat Management Team and/or other designed teams as assigned
Collaborate and assist in the coordination and development and provide technical assistance as needed on the implementation of a universal behavioral screener
Training and Professional Development
Assess in conjunction with the Administrative, school teams, co-located mental health, the training needs of school teachers/staff
Design, coordinate and deliver professional development related to needs noted among school staff on emotional and interfering behavioral concerns in adolescents (i.e. trauma, onset of mental illness)
Coordinate and deliver training related to mental health information to Families/Caregiver/ Coaches/other designated school staff.
Emphasizes is on training, ongoing coaching and support for the implementation of the most effective evidence-based interventions for disorders.
Terms of Employment:
10-month position; Salary in accordance with certification and placement on the adopted schedule.
Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with the Board of Education policy on the evaluation of certified personnel.